Feather + Stone

In contemporary architecture, the fusion of form and structure nurtures new constructive readability that distinguishes the architectural space from that of all prior eras. The Nanjing Sifang Art Museum and 1111 Lincoln Road, as two representative instances, both challenged the dichotomy between the “Kunstform” (artistic form) and the “Kernform” (inner structure). This study focused on structures in contemporary architecture and used the pair of buildings: Sifang Art Museum and 1111 Lincoln Road to study how they lie in their dissolution of the disciplinary boundaries between artistic form and structural core. Both projects turn the dualistic nature of structure and form in the previous discourses of the architectural field into a mutual relationship, in which the structural expressivity can be the core of the design concept and even can function as the architecture itself.

Course Critical Historical Practices

Course Coordinator James Curry

Course Tutors Athanasios Lazarou Sally Craven


filling the void


life in a day