Bastyan Walkway

Bastyan Walkway was named after Sir Edric Montague Bastyan (1903-1980). It is a glazed pedestrian bridge with an elaborate double glazing system that reconnects the Spence Wing of the State Library to the Mortlock Wing after the State Library of South Australia redevelopment in 2002.

This project is a four-week field research and design study into the detailed construction of the Bastyan Walkway. The investigation process ranges from the initial site survey to all detailed explorations with digital modelling and construction drawings in Revit. The final design outcome is based on collating and examining the dimensions, materiality, external claddings, and mechanical systems of this double glazed elevated walkway, to conclude a sequence of plausible inner structural solutions that can be applied to construct the Bastyan Walkway in its existing shape and form.

Course Construction III

Course Coordinator Jian Zuo

Lecturer Stewart Caldwell

Project Site between the Spence Wing and the Mortlock Wing, North Terrace, Adelaide SA 5000



