
The studio brief is on an architecturally designed “pop-up” structure that showcases the STRATCO product range in various Colorbond finishes in creative & innovative ways that creates an immersive and interactive environment for 26 to 35 people to share an exclusive lunch/dinner that matches food with wine, steel building products and architecture.

This course provided an opportunity to learn from a fully immersive experience in a live project, working with practitioners and building material suppliers. The studio is intended to result in a fully developed detail design of the pop-up steel structure.

In Week 1, we developed and presented feasible concept designs in small groups of 2-3 students as a mini ‘competition’ presented to stakeholders. In week 2, we took selected projects forward for design development and prototyping in larger teams. In week 3, we worked with the industry partner in a series of integrated prototyping and detail design workshops to develop the final design to be taken forward for fabrication. This design was presented at the end of week 3 to the stakeholders including members of SABE, STRATCO and BLUESCOPE STEEL.

Course Experiential Studio: Onshore

Course Coordinator Ehsan Sharifi

Instructors David Kroll Urs Bette Carlos Bartesaghi Koc Veronica Soebarto Juliana Croffi Michael Stenhouse

Project Ten-person Team Project


2226 detailed explorations

